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CAMP! was created by the founder of ELDance, Emily, in 2018. After years of struggle with her own issues of dieting, exercise classes and a vicious circle of binging and disorders, plus just not really understanding where to begin. She realised that she wasn't the only one.

By creating and adapting things to suit her body and see results she saw no point in keeping it to herself so CAMP! began.


Now CAMP! is helping women all over the North East build a stronger and more nutritious lifestyle.


A note from Emily (pictured):


"The reason I am passionate about what I do is

because I know what its like to feel

uncomfortable in and out of clothes and totally



In the first pic, I was just at the end of this amazing

holiday and as you do, you leave the lightest coloured

outfit for the end.

Well that was the plan but in reality it was the only

thing that would stretch over me. Honestly,

I wanted so much to enjoy my last night but I just

felt disgusting, I was non stop sweating but had a

kaftan over me all the time as my stomach was so



Here I would've said that "I felt fat" - and that isn't even a real thing!!!


Guilt eating played a huge part of my daily life. So when I actually sat down and educated myself on nutrition and I just didn't stop. 


The exercising and training I already knew but I have had so many different diets thrown at me by training, contracts, managers and choreographers what I knew was the truth didn’t seem right because these people were telling me who had the body I wanted.


I am not someone who woke up one day and thought “eee I’ll just start doing a fitness course” HELL FUCKING NO. I knew I wasn’t the only one in the same position, I knew I wasn’t the only one that thought Bumhole Tea was the answer. I just wanted to get it out to other people and help them learn and understand. 


It took me time and I am still learning. 


I understand that reading "it takes time" is something you don't wanna hear when you want to be where you think you do. You know what though? I wouldn’t have changed any day in my journey.


I have been able to go on hen do’s, holidays, nights out as well as weekends away, drinks in, takeaways, parties and of course two week Christmas break full of food, drink and merriness.


My transformation may not be huge in terms of the scale but the changes my lifestyle, the daily choices and my mentality have been enormous.


You cannot rush something that you want to take away with you for life, you have to be patient. 


Imagine 6 to 12 months from now, what you’ll be looking back at. Do you think you’ll have wished to be miserable and hungry for half of them going back and forth? Or do you think you’ll have enjoyed the process, yes difficult and frustrating at times, but not having to say no to plans and being more nutritious every day.


It is only in your hands.


Great things take time. Do not forget how great you are."



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