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ELD is aiming to keep high quality dance a priority in schools around the North East.


From KS1 - KS4, ELD can adapt to anything you need.

Dance is a subject that has become a taboo topic in education and many teachers are uncomfortable to teach it, as it is such a specialist area. Dance should be treated as an important part of a child’s school life as not only is it physically beneficial and encourages creativity, but Dance also improves social awareness, confidence and a physical respect of other pupils.


With the new government wanting to help develop the creative industry and implement more Performing Arts into the Curriculum to widen a child’s education, it could not be a better time to begin introducing your pupils to the subject of Dance with staff that have vast subject knowledge and a great curriculum to offer.

What we offer:

  • Dance Clubs

  • Dance Workshops

  • Curriculum Lessons (KS1-KS3)

  • BTEC Delivery

  • CPD Dance for Staff


Please contact us for our PDF and Prices.

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